Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Kheder, President of Beni-Suef Technological University, Beni-Suef Technological University is participating in the week for preparing leaders of national and technological universities organized by the Leadership Development Institute in cooperation with Galala University, under the auspices of the Ministers of Higher Education and Youth and Sports, from January 27 to February 1.
This week targets the participation of 700 male and female students from national and technological universities. The opening ceremony program includes performances and a line-up for the participating universities in the presence of the presidents of the national and technological universities. The week program also includes sports, social, cultural and artistic activities as well as scientific and technological activities. The students meet with the week’s personality for holding a dialogue with him, with a joint organization between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Youth and Sports within the ‘Saned’ initiative, in addition to setting up a Variety theater.
Dr. Khader emphasized that student activities inside and outside the university contribute to integrating students with the issues of their society, and increase their belonging to homeland and in addition to creating the spirit of cooperation and the ability to prove themselves, elevating thought, and strengthening their personalities, within the state’s interest in developing youth capabilities and adopting their creative, artistic, sports and cultural talents in various fields.